chds and the environment

Birth Defect Research for Children ( has started a new network for heart defect support groups and families who have children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs). to provide information about the latest research on the connections between CHDs and environmental exposures. Briefs for new studies will be posted on this site each month. Families and support groups for CHDs are also invited to post their comments.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Folic Acid May Prevent Some Heart, Skeletal, Stomach and Kidney Defects

According to a study recently published in Birth Defects Research (Part A), mandatory fortification of the U.S. grain supply with folic acid may have helped to reduce the rate of transposition of the great arteries, cleft palate, pyloric stenosis, limb reduction defects and omphalocele (organs outside the abdomen). In Hispanic women, substantial decreases were also noted for renal agenesis (a fatal kidney defect) and common truncus (a heart defect). Upper limb reduction defects also decreased among children born to Hispanics. The study was conducted by the National Birth Defects Prevention Network.

Canfield MA, Collins JS, Botto LD et al. Changes in the Birth Prevalence of Selected Birth Defects after Grain Fortification with Folic Acid in the United States: Findings from a Multi-State Population Based Study. Birth Defects Research, Part !. 2005-73:679-689.