chds and the environment

Birth Defect Research for Children ( has started a new network for heart defect support groups and families who have children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs). to provide information about the latest research on the connections between CHDs and environmental exposures. Briefs for new studies will be posted on this site each month. Families and support groups for CHDs are also invited to post their comments.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Heart Defects #1 Birth Defect

February 15th is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day, a day that recognizes the No. 1 birth defect in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, almost twice as many children in the U.S. die from congenital heart defects as from all forms of childhood cancer combined. Congenital heart defects occur in approximately 1 in every 100 births.
Of the 35 known congenital heart defects, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) is considered to be one of the worst. In HLHS, the left side of the heart is underdeveloped. It occurs in approximately one of every 6,000 births.
Fifteen years ago, it was a virtual death sentence. HLHS cannot be "fixed", but while current surgical treatment cannot cure HLHS, it can lengthen the lives of babies born with it. For more information on congenital heart defects, visit or


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